On Friday night, after being grossly underwhelmed by the selection of New Releases at Hastings, we decided to rent the first disc of Lost, Season 1.
Stephen loved it. I was so scared by the pilot episode that I ended up curled up on the couch, watching the last three-quarters of it through tiny slits between my fingers. The whole show premise is bad enough: 48 people are stranded on a remote island after a horrific plane crash. Within a few minutes, it becomes clear that some of the people on the plane are scary all in themselves, there are unidentified, giant wild animals inhabiting the island, and it is suggested that maybe other people have been stranded and died there before.
In the scariest scene of the pilot, a girl named Kate finds herself running through the jungle, chased by some unseen monster that has just chewed up another character and strung his bloody remains in the treetops. I tried to explain to Stephen how much I felt her panic. "I would rather drop dead than be that afraid."
Stephen said I was a coward.
I did agree to finish off the disc, and to suspend my judgment of the show until I had seen more of it. It did mellow out a little bit, and the mysteries surrounding the characters themselves have me curious enough to continue on to disc 2.
The thing that I do like about horrific shows like Lost and 24 is that they give me a comforting perspective on my own problems:
- Maybe I'm hungry, but at least I don't have to pilfer through dead people's pockets looking for something to eat.
- Maybe this hotel room is kind of dingy, but at least weaponized nerve gas is not coming into my room through the air conditioning.
- Maybe my shoes hurt my feet, but at least I am not having to sew up my own gaping wound with a thread from someone's travel sewing kit and a needle sterilized by a travel-sized bottle of vodka.
- Maybe my needy students were especially emotionally taxing today, but at least I didn't have to shoot my boss in the head to avoid giving away my undercover position as a member of a terrorist network.
John watched Lost for a few seasons, and I started watching it last year. It does mellow out even more... I don't recall as much violence, but it does get creepier and more confusing (thus heightening your curiosity, of course). I wonder when the season premiere comes on this year?
Jon and I watched it the first season, but it gets confusing and convoluted, so if you ever miss an episode, you're done. I've thought about picking it up at Blockbuster as well, and starting all the way over. I like being able to watch multiple episodes at a time, too!
That's a good idea to watch TV series on DVD after the season's over. Whenever I get into a series, there's inevitably a couple episodes I miss for some reason or another.
and we're back the the severed axles...
Lost is awesome. I never saw season one. I started with season two and am currently up to date. I am just now going back and watching season one. Season one shows the darker sides of the characters. It isn't until season two that you see a balanced perspective of each character. Don't be scared, it's totally worth it. I believe the title of LOST has dual meaning. All of the characters are currently "LOST" in life...all of their lives are spinning out of control when they board the plane...
PS- I'm not sure which disc it's on, but the episode with the french title(it think it's like Deus Ex Machina or something like that) is hard to watch. But...Like I said before...it's worth it. Just try to make it to season 2.
Hmm, profound. Can't wait to see you, friend!
We just watched an episode tonight that even Stephen admitted made him scared. Ha!
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