Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Yet another dilemma

So I've been spending a lot of mental energy trying to figure out exactly how many times I can go to Keva Juice in a week before it becomes irresponsible and gluttonous. Mmm, smoothies.


KarenD said...

Keva Juice is definitely my new Starbucks. It's a good thing they don't have wireless internet (and more comfortable seating) because I'd probably be there every day!

I comfort myself by getting the small which is about 50 cents cheaper than my drink at Starbucks. So, see how much money I'm saving? :-) I also use the protein booster as an excuse... see, it's healthy! I have even been know to use the line, "The baby wants Keva Juice."

Hmm... yes, this could be an addiction.

Next time you go, call me up!! We can form Juice Drinkers Anonymous or something!

Anonymous said...

have you had labels on your blogs all this time, or is that a new thing?

Anonymous said...

i just noticed that too! about the labels...
i'm going to go with they're new...
or i'm really unobservant.

Lindsey said...

They are new. I decided that they were more helpful than archives by date.

KarenD said...

OK, since you're having a slow, quiet week... you should blog more!

Lindsey said...

I have no excuse.