Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Follow Up

1. Last night, all the neighborhood dogs had another crazy barking night. But mine were sleeping soundly like good little girls in their sleeping cage! I am not "That Neighbor," after all. (whew!)

2. Speaking of animal invastions, last night I peeked into my closet to find it so infested with ants that I had to move half of my clothes into the garage and Stephen had to spray down the corners and baseboards with ant killer. I have never seen so many ants on clothes in my life! And I hadn't left a sandwich in my pocket, or anything.

No more animal stories!


Lydia said...

I heard from someone that ants like laundry detergent, so they're attracted to clean clothes.

One time, I put a cake in my microwave to hide it from ants, and came home to find my wonderful cake had become its own ant colony. It was horrible. But at least it made sense, because it was food.

KarenD said...

Sorry to hear about the ants. Maybe the spiders eat ants?

I had to evacuate my closet recently, too, because a certain animal that now lives in my house decided to christen my dirty laundry... learning to keep all doors closed.

Ants are attacking our dog's food bowl. I'm not sure what to do about it.

Lindsey said...

THe funny thing is that it was my long-sleeved shirts that were attacked, and some of them hadn't been washed or worn in a long time. Because I had the idea of the detergent thing as well...

KarenD said...

Wait... your dogs have a sleeping cage? What's that all about?

Lindsey said...

It's a cage. They sleep in it at night...we don't let them loose in the house while we are sleeping. They're good about it, we just say "Go to bed!" and they both trot into the cage and lay down. Sometimes if they see us turning off lights they go and get in before they are told.

KarenD said...

Aw, you don't let them sleep in your bed and lick your toes?

(I wouldn't either. Sleeping cage sounds great to me as long as they don't whimper at bedtime.)

Lydia said...

Jon used to have a dog that would sleep in a cage like that. We tried it with Friday. It worked the first few nights, until that "cage" (the cat carrier) became the same thing that transported him to the vet's. Never again was he okay with getting inside it.