Saturday, October 21, 2006

Swinging Single

Stephen left to speak at a youth retreat yesterday while I was at work and is not getting back until tonight. While of course I enjoy it when he is around, I have been looking forward to a weekend with the house to myself. He understands the appeal of solitude as well as I do, but he still had to protest when I admitted my excitement.
Me: I'm looking forward to some time alone.
Stephen: What are you going to to?
Me: Oh, you know...sleep late, clean the house, read, maybe do some work for school.
Stephen: Those are the same things that you do when I am here.
Me: Well...

And we both know that it's just not the same. Yesterday I celebrated by having coffee with a friend after work, going shopping at the mall, and renting the ultimate girl movie, Girl With a Pearl Earring. (What is it about? Well...this artist paints his servant girl. That's it? Yeah, basically. Is there any action? Well, she has to pierce her ear. Do the artist and the servant hook up in the end? No, she marries the butcher's son. Who? Never mind...). I ate a Hershey's bar for dinner, and after the movie I fell asleep laying diagonally across the bed.

Today I am, technically, doing all of the things that I always do on a Saturday. The difference is, I can clean while listening to the music that energizes me but grates on Stephen's ears: The Essential Santana and the soundtrack to Moulin Rouge. At top volume, I can sing the parts of both Christian and Satine in the Elephant Love Medley. I'll enjoy having the computer all to myself, and I'll read a whole book in one sitting. And by tonight, I'll be happy to see my husband again.

You can't beat good times like that.


T said...

I miss HEB points club. I know what you mean about being home alone. It is just nice every now and then (Cliff, don't be sad). I am glad to get the TV all to myself.

Lindsey said...

I thought up another non-Stephen activity to do this afternoon: I watched the DVD feature of my Josh Groban Live in Concert CD as I graded papers.

Anonymous said...

Solitude has its merits as long as there's reward at the end ... the return of the hubby!

Glad you enjoyed your girl time. It was great seeing you Saturday.

KarenD said...

I never get alone time at home. John leaves for work after I do and gets home before I do, and he never goes anywhere! (well, without me, that is)

I have found myself coveting some time at home alone. But only during the day. I do not like to be home alone at night.

Lydia said...

I get alone time in the evenings, but I don't do much in the evenings to matter. I do eat popcorn, which Jon doesn't like. :) Other than that, like Karen, I don't get much alone time. I'm always the one gone for a weekend or overnight somewhere, leaving Jon to have time to himself. Still, I go to sleep before Jon gets in from work most nights, so I still spread out all over the bed. :)