Sunday, November 26, 2006

3 Weeks, 3 Days

Last Friday, I left school with a spring in my step, leaving the weight of all of my professional obligations behind. I had two days of teacher inservice the week of Thanksgiving, but there is nothing weighty about sitting around with teacher friends, chatting about school as if it were some distant abstraction. I floated through the holiday week, enjoying loafing around my parents' house without a care in the world, pretending to be twenty-one again.

Highlights of Thanksgiving include:
-seeing my grandmother
-shopping in Houston on the day after Thanksgiving
-wearing my sisters' clothes
-mashed potatoes
-Boggle and BB guns with the in-laws
-deer chili with friends
-family pictures
-holiday nails
-no kid tables
-pleasure reading
-pre-Christmas presents

This morning I woke up in my own bed with my usual groan, and I felt the burden of responsibility settle back in. Tomorrow I will have to wake up with the alarm again, and I will have to face a classroom of reluctant scholars. I need to work today to prepare for tomorrow, since Monday seemed too far away to think about the last time I was at school.

After a couple of days, I will settle back into my usual routine and I will get some momentum back, but today is the challenge: putting down the fun book, unpacking the suitcase full of unworn clothes, and planning out the day for the rugrats tomorrow.

It's time to crank up the Trans-Siberian Orchestra and fix my eyes on the Christmas break!


Anonymous said...

My feelings exactly! Hang in there, it's only a few weeks till Christmas break! Hooray!!

KarenD said...

Grrr... you teacher types with all your vacation.

I shouldn't complain too much, I guess. I have vacation days... I am just saving them for 2007!

Yes, I am dreading going back to work tomorrow, too!

Lindsey said...

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Lindsey said...

By the way, I didn't do any of my work today. It's 8:00 and I'm calling it a day.

Lots of silent reading time!

T said...

I have tried to be positive all day...but its 9:00 and the inevitable is approaching! At least the kids will be sleepy and a therefore a little quieter tomorrow because they aren't used to getting up early. :) Wish we could silent read in math...

Lydia said...

Argh. Monday still came, despite all my wishing. :(

Anonymous said...

um i think you mean the day after thanksgiving shopping. not christmas. that is still a lifetime away.

KarenD said...

Christmas will be here before you know it!