This is my favorite time of year. Here are some reasons why:
1. New Christmas carols, especially "Winter Wonderland" by Jason Mraz, "Manger Throne" by Third Day, and "Christmas is All Around" by a fictional artist named Billy Mack. And, of course, anything by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra.
2. Great friends who offer to take me to hear the TSO in concert this Saturday in Dallas.
3. Old Christmas carols, especially "O Holy Night," O Come, O Come Emmanuel," and "O Come, All Ye Faithful." And "Carol of the Bells" in every variety.
4. Wassail.
5. Beautiful and nutrient-free snacks, and lots of excuses to eat them.
6. The Advent Wreath
7. Christmas cards with pictures in them.
8. Christmas gifts from students.
9. Christmas gifts from everybody else.10. Online shopping.
11. Two and a half weeks off.
12. How clean my house is right before a party, and about an hour after.
13. My tree, finally finished and with gifts underneath.
14. Finding the perfect gift for someone else.
15. Parties with friends.
16. Parties with family.
A few things I don't like about this season, just to keep this from getting too warm and fuzzy:
1. Classic Christmas movies such as "It's a Wonderful Life" and "White Christmas." Yawn!
2. Going back to school after a long break.
3. Standing outside in the sleet parking cars to make some Christmas gift bucks.
4. Saying thank you for gifts that aren't really my style.
5. Still eating leftovers after three days of eating leftovers.
6. Taking down decorations.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
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I take it your blog is supposed to be green and red? Very festive, indeed, but hard to read. (Or there might just be something seriously wrong with my screen.)
There's a pretty big contrast on the screen I'm looking at. Do you usually have trouble with colors?
No... actually I have a super duper monitor here at work that is calibrated to show more true color to print. So don't print your blog.
Red on green is tough because they're opposites on the color wheel. But quite Christmasy! :)
Okay, ladies, take off your professional hats. You're missing the point...
Aw, are we dampening your Christmas spirit? What if you did beige text on the green and then used the red for the accent colors on the lines and stuff? Or leave it as is... we do get the point. :-)
Aw, sorry! It's hard to take off the professional hat for me; I'm always critiqueing everything around me. However, I know teachers do it, too, because I had Jon raise his eyebrows and point his finger at me when I interrupted him once. It was in Sunday School, too!
So anyway, Christmas Joys, anyone? Or non-joys, other than red on green?
i just love christmas. period.
and i can see your words just fine with red on green. maybe its my screen thats messed up but i have no problems at all.
Well one of my joys is on your non-joys list, and that is the movie White Christmas! I love that movie! Can we still be friends please? :)
My joys:
seeing Christmas lights on houses
my tree all lit up and decorated
getting out of school
lots of yummy food at family Christmases
both of my extended family Christmas parties with all my aunts, uncles and cousins
non-joys would be cold weather and how badly the kids behave right before school gets out
I forgot Christmas lights. At least we can agree on that, Teresa
one of my christmas joys would be getting two weeks off but i only get four days before we start cheerleading again. oh goody.
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