Tuesday, December 19, 2006


1. We went to see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra's Christmas concert this weekend, and it was incredible! Unfortunately, I think you had to be there to fully appreciate it. I tried to type up a long blog about it, and it just sounded like one of those awful amazon.com reviews that I always laugh at ("OMG, it was totally awesome! If you don't know this band, you should!"). So it's in the trash. I'll just say, the music itself was great, and the visual effects were really cool, including strobes, laser lights, fake snow, and other cool stuff that I don't know how to describe. The most interesting musician on the stage was a girl who could play her violin (very well) while running up and down the stage and dancing.

2. We got our Christmas cards in from Wal-Mart, and they are great.

3. Anyone who wants to be discouraged from teaching should come be my substitute for the next two days of school. There is nothing less productive than a fourth-grade classroom in the wee days before a big break. The fun thing is, fourth graders are young enough to want to shower their teachers with gifts. So I gratefully accept them, but I also think, "If you really want to give me a gift, why don't you stay home for this week?"

4. We're having our Christmas Nativity service for school tonight. My kids are in all the lead roles (you know...Mary, Joseph, shepherds...) and it is going to be special. Fun, fun.

5. I went to Cheddars for a girls' night out dinner with some of my co-workers. We had a great time chatting without having to worry about our conversation getting cut short by the tardy bell.

Okay...duty calls.


KarenD said...

Yay Trans-Siberian Orchestra! Yay Christmas break! Yay Cheddars!

(I'm rooting for ya, girl.)

Lindsey said...

Today was the longest day ever!! Good riddance, Nativity play!

KarenD said...

I agree! Not to mention that it looks like mushroom soup outside... hope your drive home was OK!

T said...

I do not know the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. I will have to check this out. I did play a Manneheim Steamroller CD at school today. I figured since I have some kids of other religions, I should play christmas music that didn't have words. And yes today was very long for me too! Tomorrow is movie day!

Anonymous said...

Even in my school it seems to take forever for us to get to Christmas break!

I'm not familiar with TSO either so I'll check it out on iTunes.

Loved your comment #3 ... best present ... just stay home!! haha

KarenD said...

Are you done? Are you done? Huh? Huh? Huh?

Lindsey said...

...happy dance...

Anonymous said...

when are you coming home anyways?