Monday, February 04, 2008

Empty Calories, Empty Promises

A dietitian came to speak to our classes last week, and while I don't think my kids walked away with any new convictions, I left the assembly feeling like a walking lump of lard. The articulate, trim nutritionist impressed upon us all the waste of empty calories, inspired us with visions of bodies nourished by organic, vitamin-rich, non-processed foods, and shamed us with statistics about current American gluttony (average consumption of 150 pounds of sugar per year, up from 2 pounds 100 years ago). I walked away intimidated and inspired by the new science which recommends that all American eat nine, yes NINE servings of fruit and vegetables daily. Egad!

So that night I went to the grocery store to stock up on some nutritious snack foods. I was reminded again of why I have not embraced this habit sooner- yikes! Fresh food is expensive! So I bought some apples and bananas and called it a good start.

While I was there I remembered that I needed to get some groceries for our Superbowl party. So I added chips, cookies, candy, dip, and frozen appetizers. It was not long before my good start was buried beneath the Doritos and cheese sticks!

I vowed to re-commit myself to healthy living on Monday after the Superbowl. But today, we still have lots of leftovers from the weekend's festivities, and I can't justify wasting perfectly good food. Maybe next week...


Anonymous said...

I heard someone say on the radio that we eat as much on Super Bowl Sunday as we do on Thanksgiving.

KarenD said...

Ha! Too funny... we had Superbowl XLIII tonight with our party leftovers. Turns out that fondue reheats quite well, and guacamole does in fact give a pregnant person heartburn. (I stayed away from it last night, but felt compelled to try it tonight.)

Jill Anderson said...

Healthy food IS expensive. And if you don't eat it right away, it rots. It's hard for a DINK family who has committments several nights a week to make it to the grocery store more than once. I feel your pain!

Anonymous said...

Nine servings? That doesn't leave any room for protein or grains? oh, and I am pretty sure ANY food can give a pregnant woman heartburn.

Anonymous said...

Man, I had trouble eating my fruits and veggies when it was just 3 or 4 of each.