Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Some TSO for You


Lindsey said...

This is my first time to post music. Does it work?

Lydia said...

Yes, it does! Very cool! I've heard the first song before (in the video of the crazy Christmas lights), but didn't know it was them.

KarenD said...

I bet their production was neat. You gonna make me that cd? :-)

Lindsey said...

Yep, I'll bring it tonight.

T said...

You know, I heard that song with the Christmas lights the other day, and thought, I wonder if that is TSO, it sounds like something that might be them. So it turns out it is. I do like that.

Anonymous said...

Wow, very cool music. I can see why you like them so much.

KarenD said...

Yay for fun CD! Thanks!